HelianthusAnnuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil 葵花籽油
Sunfloweroil is the non-volatile oil expressed from sunflower seeds. Sunflower oil iscommonly used in food, and in cosmetic formulations as an emollient. Sunfloweroil also has suggested skin-health benefits, which can retain moisture in theskin and provides a protective barrier that resists infection.
Helianthus annuus (Sunflower) Seed oil Unsaponifiables* 葵花籽油不皂化物*
Sunfloweroil is the non-volatile oil expressed from sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seeds.Sunflower oil is commonly used in cosmetic formulations as an emollient.Sunflower oil also have suggested skin-health benefits. Sunflower oil, like otheroils, can retain moisture in the skin. However, it also provides a protectivebarrier that resists infection. Studies using sunflower oil have been conductedinvolving pre-term infants that are often susceptible to infection due to theirunderdeveloped skin.
Hibiscus Sabdariffa Flower Extract* 玫瑰茄花萃取
Hibiscussabdariffa (Roselle) is a species of Hibiscus native to the Old World tropics.It was found that the flower extract, which is an acid, mimics the propertiesof Alpha Hydoxy Acids (AHAs are used in cosmeceutical skincare to enhance cellrenewal).
Hydrolyzed Hibiscus Esculentus Extract 水解秋葵萃取
HydrolyzedHibiscus Esculentus Extract is found in a wide variety of cosmetics and skincare products, most noticeably, foundations, concealers, anti-aging products,and eye treatments. It is extracted using enzyme, acid, or some other method ofhydrolysis. This extract is credited with the ability to deliver a cumulativeeffect that minimizes wrinkling, while also reducing the contraction of musclecells. The seeds of Hibiscus Esculentus contain proteins from which a complexof oligopeptides (patented as Myoxinol) is extracted. The proteins offer acomposition that resembles that of milk proteins. Studies indicate that thesebotanically derived peptides do have the ability to minimize contractions ofthe muscles for as long as twenty-four hours. The proteins found in HibiscusEsculentus are also credited with minimizing the appearance of wrinkles byfirming and tensing the skin. These results occur after regular use of productscontaining the complex of oligopeptides. Furthermore, Myoxinol contains highlevels of linoleic acid, oleic acid, amino acids, and polysaccharides,delivering potent antioxidant protection that helps to prevent biological aging(oxidative damage) that occurs due to the exposure of the sun’s harsh UVA/UVBrays.
水解秋葵萃取被廣泛應用在化妝品和護膚品中,尤其是粉底、遮瑕膏、抗衰老產品和眼霜,透過用酶、酸性物質或一些水解方法萃取。這種萃取物能夠減淡皺紋,同時減少肌肉細胞的收縮。秋葵的種子含有蛋白質,從中萃取出一種寡肽複合物(專利稱為Myoxinol),它能提供類似牛奶蛋白質的組合物。研究顯示,這些植物來源的肽確實能將肌肉收縮減至長達二十四小時。在秋葵中發現的蛋白質也被認為通過緊緻和張緊皮膚來減淡皺紋的出現。這些結果發生在經常使用含有寡肽複合物的產品之後。此外,Myoxinol含有高水平的亞油酸、油酸、氨基酸和多醣,提供有效的抗氧化保護,有助於防止因暴露在陽光下的UVA / UVB射線而引起的生物老化(氧化損傷)。
Hydrolyzed Lupine Protein* 水解羽扇豆蛋白*
Hydrolyzedprotein from the seeds of the lupine plant (lupinus) which are high in proteinsand contain 35-45% of all the essential amino acids. Lupine protein contains ahigh amount of essential amino acids which provide many benefits and treatmentoptions in the fight against premature aging. Good anti-static, regeneratingand conditioning properties. Skin and hair care products, sun care, after-sunproducts, scalp treatments.
來自羽扇豆(羽扇豆)種子的水解蛋白質,蛋白質含量高,含有35-45%的所有必需氨基酸。 羽扇豆蛋白含有大量的人體必需氨基酸,為抗衰老提供許多益處和治療選擇;另外亦為皮膚和頭髮護理產品、防曬、曬後產品,頭皮護理等提供良好的抗靜電、再生和調理性能。
Hydrogenated Castor Oil* 氫化蓖麻油
It enhancesskin moisturization and softness. Creates a protective film on the skin.
Hydrogenated Olive Oil Cetyl Esters 氫化橄欖油鯨蠟醇酯類
Mixture ofesters produced by the reaction of cetyl alcohol and hydrogenated olive oilwith emulsion stabilizing and film forming properties
Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate 醣基海藻糖
Hydrogenatedstarch hydrosylate (HSH) is a mixture of several sugar alcohols. They areproduced by the partial hydrolysis of starch – most often corn starch but alsopotato starch or wheat starch. This creates dextrins (glucose and short glucosechains). The hydrolyzed starch (dextrin) then undergoes hydrogenation toconvert the dextrins to sugar alcohols. It is used in our formulations as askin conditioning agent that increases water content of the top layers of theskin by drawing moisture from the surrounding air.
HydrogenatedVegetable Oil 氫化植物油
Ingredientproduced by hydrogenation of vegetable oil. Used as skin-conditioning agent; viscosity increasing agent.
Hydroxyapatite 羥基磷灰石
A naturalSPF booster.
Hypericum Perforatum (St. John’s Wort) Extract* 貫葉連翹萃取*
St John’sWort has been known throughout history as a vulnerary (wound healer) and was inits heyday on the battlefields of the Crusaders. In Greek it is known as“spathochorto” referring to its ability of healing sword wounds.
Hypericum Perforatum (St. John’s Wort) Flower Extract* 貫葉連翹花萃取*
A naturalorganic extract. Treats, calms and improves the appearance of dry or damagedskin (including burns, bug bites, scrapes, bruises etc).